Blooming in Health


Girls, we have so many ideas and aspire to do so much! Right? In addition to what is running rampant in our heads; we’re raising our children, caring for the family as a whole and bearing many other responsibilities.  


Many of us lie awake at night dreaming of owning the business, making our bank accounts fat and catching the eye of that ideal mate in life. We wonder how were going to accomplish it all and we are making great strides to see the visions come to a reality. So regardless to which level or end of the spectrum you’re currently on; I want to remind you not to forget about your health.  


Maybe you’re a newbie, and just a girl dreaming and hoping to get it done. Perhaps you’re an accomplished CEO and really making it happen on a daily basis. Regardless, I want to invite you to slow it down for a minute to realize; we can’t live our best lives if we are unhealthy. Choosing to ignore self-care in the area of health can slow or halt our goals.  


So, while working on your businesses, finances and relationship goals; if you have put your health on the shelf; I encourage you to take it off and make it your number one priority.  Before you rush off to answer those emails, pack and ship the orders, have you taken care of you? After you have spent 8 hours plus at the office, have you scheduled in gym time or time to take an evening walk in the neighborhood? Are you making the decision to prepare that meal that will give you energy and keep you satiated throughout the day vs the highly processed choices that will leave you sluggish and craving more junk food?  


 Bloom by Faith is a proponent of women actively taking responsibility for their own health. Our sisters are having heart attacks, strokes, and leaving us as early as age thirty and we simply must reverse this diagnosis by putting ourselves above all others when it comes to self-care. If we don’t first take care of us; how can we effectively take care of others and meet our dreams? 


Please take some time to view and explore the articles, videos, tips, and even recipes on how we can better our health as women. We believe you can have the entire package without sacrificing your health as you work to achieve it! Also, be sure and drop by our shop with bloom section to purchase our newest book: Help! I’m Fat Again. It’s a great read that keeps you engaged and gives practical steps on how to lose the weight for good!