Spring Cleaning Your Fridge

A clean, neat fridge can be a real asset when it comes to staying on track with your weight loss goals. 

 What’s in your freezer right now that is good for you? 

 What type of produce is currently in your fridge right now? What should be at eye level in your fridge? 

 Let the warm weather food be a thing of the past…. 

It’s time to make warm weather fruits and vegetables the star of the show, accompanied by lean meats, fresh seafood and nutty grains. 

 Make a shopping list. Be seasonable……by choosing products that’s at its peak such as these spring and summer treats: 

 Apricots, artichokes, asparagus, beans, green, lima, beets, berries, cherries, corn, cucumbers, grapes, green peas, kiwi, limes, mangoes, melons, nectarines, okra, peaches, plums, radishes, spinach, strawberries, summer squash, tomatoes. 

 Store Smart 

-Make sure plastic bags for produce are perforated or punch holes in them for proper air circulation. 

 -Wrap leafy vegetables, fresh herbs and the bottoms of asparagus in damp paper towels and store in a loosely closed plastic bag. 

 -Keep fruits and veggies in separate crisper drawers. Some fruits give off a gas that speeds up ripening. 

 -Rinse, prep certain items ahead of time so you can grab them for a quick snack or incorporate them in a meal. 

 Eat Up! 

Once you’ve organized the fridge, you will find more clarity mentally and making smart food choice when it’s time to eat will be a cinch!   

Not sure how to prepare those healthier foods or are you bored with the usual way you prepare the meals? Don’t be afraid to do a little research for some tastier ways to prepare those veggies, protein and carbs.  

There are many videos online that will walk you through how to make delicious nutrient dense meals. There are also many food bloggers that will help you get that meal just right. You can find recipes for preparing delicious ginger glazed salmon to roasted sprouts with Parmesan cheese and more!  

Spring cleaning that fridge is sure to get you on track with preparing delicious meals without all the clutter!