Mental Weight Loss

So, you have the desire to lose weight? You’re tired of the bulging belly, lack of energy and the clothes that don’t fit right. 

You’ve promised yourself every weekend that you’re going to get started on Monday with losing weight and you don’t make it to Friday without giving up. 

You’ve made attempt after attempt without lasting success because you haven’t really made up your mind to lose the weight! 

 I speak from experience when I say…. that Losing Weight happens in your mind first…. before you see one pound less on the scale. Within the past seven years I have battled with my weight. Just a roller coaster of starting, stopping and buying bigger clothes! I paid good money for weight loss pills, diet juices and spent hundreds of dollars on a particular weight loss program. I did lose weight, but for one reason or another I would gain it back and go back to my old ways of over eating and letting three and four months go by before I would exercise again.    

This time around I finally got it! I finally got angry enough to make permeate change this time! I remember it so vividly…I was in strength training class after about a month or two of exercising and I got angry! I was sweating and my thighs were burning and I was mad at myself because… I was so out of shape! As I looked at the thinner girls in the class that seem to be enjoying the exercise I got even angrier with myself! 

This was the day the light came on for me. This was the day… that I decided I would never go backwards and be consistent with changing my health. 

 I figured out that … if I just stayed consistent with my running and going to strength training class… it would get easier and not hurt so bad. 

It’s like anything else that we don’t want to do, but know we need to do because it’s good for us. 

 When I left the gym that day… I went into warfare! It was more of  a mental warfare ;  a fight for my health! I begin to eat, sleep and breathe weight loss. I read books and articles on weight loss. I read blogs and got my hands on anything related to the topic. I decided I would learn all that I could to make this change happen for me physically. I visualized myself skinny. I took out some new outfits from the closet that I had never worn because they were too small. I visualized myself fitting into those outfits. 

I realized that I had to become a little selfish by putting my health first. I scheduled my exercise times and I did not let anyone or anything take up that time each day in my life. I convinced myself mentally that I deserved the 1 hour a day to take care of myself. It was just as important as brushing my teeth and combing my hair every day. It became a part of me and I made it a priority each week to be sure that I had my supplies to lose weight. My supplies were fruits, vegetables, healthy snacks, my water bottle, and nice workout clothes without breaking the bank. I didn’t even let my kids eat up all of my healthy food. I would buy fruit and snacks for my kids, so that they would have their own servings each day as well. 

After believing it in my mind and heart that I could lose weight this time without giving up…. It caused my actions to change…. after my actions changed…. my body changed. It felt so good to see the numbers decrease on the scale. As a result of the scale changing…. I was able to fit into the clothes that were too small. So, if you’re really wanting to finally lose weight with lasting results this time…. you have to start mentally before you see physical change. You have to make up your mind that you will do it regardless of who doesn’t join you in your journey. You have to make up in your mind that you will work out and eat right regardless of who isn’t supporting you.  You have to decide mentally that you will change this time for you…… because you deserve it.