Is it worth it?

As I sat at my desk, I began to feel as if the room was moving. Just slowly spinning. I could see and hear the people talking around me; yet I felt like I wasn’t really all there. I felt foggy and out of sorts. 

 Just previously, I had run some errands on break and I had picked up a little pack of 4 mini sandwiches and wild rice soup from the deli.  

As I scurried back to the office, I gobbled the food down and in less than an hour, I felt like my world was turning upside down.  

As I sat at the desk listening and watching people move about around me, I felt such a panic. I was wondering mentally if they were going to have to call the paramedics for me. I left my desk and sat on a couch nearby. I beckoned for my manager to explain that I was not feeling good. I felt so bad and disoriented, I could barely talk. My thoughts were, am I having a heart attack or a stroke? I also had feelings of embarrassment. The co-workers around me knew I was in bad shape. While I did not think it was bad enough to go to the hospital, I was not well enough to drive myself home. So, I sat on the couch for about an hour until I felt better.   

 As I rested, I was mad at myself because I allowed others see my vulnerability. It also didn’t help that I was older than most of my co-workers, so I was wondering mentally what they thought about my episode. Turned out- I was not having a heart attack or stroke; however, I had allowed my blood pressure to get too high. 

 See- the mini Hawaiian roll ham sandwiches I ate along with the starchy rice soup; caused my insulin levels to rise  too high .  As a result, it brought on that awful feeling. 

 As the day progressed, I asked myself- Was it worth it? Although, I was hungry and in a hurry; was the meal I chose to eat worth the outcome? I could have chosen to grab a salad from the same deli or maybe just some fruit.  

But because I was addicted to carb rich foods, I wanted to feel full and satisfied when I got back to work. 

 Girls, I invite you to start evaluating your food choices. How do you feel after eating heavy carb rich foods like pasta or bread? How do you really feel after eating the doughnuts? Then evaluate how you feel after eating a fresh salad you prepared or some hot seasoned veggies with a protein.  

 After examining how you feel in your body ask yourself the question- Was it worth it? Did my food choice give me energy or make me feel heavy and sluggish? 

 I invite you to take baby steps when trying to change your food choices. For instance, if you want French Fries, have a salad or some type of green vegetables with the fries vs a burger. If you are craving cake and you know you’re going to eat it! make the cake your only carbohydrate for the day. The other foods you should consume should be protein and veggies. Also, going for a brisk walk (for 30 to 45 minutes) after your meals for that day will help to offset the cake you enjoyed. 

 As you progress in your journey; seek to find a balance when deciding what to eat. As you explore whole foods, you will find that they will sustain you longer than the junk food. You will also find the carb rich food choices keep you craving more and are counterproductive to your weight loss success. It is my hope that you learn to enjoy the healthier food choices as you see your body transform! 

 As we make changes little by little, it will all be worth it!